

FMO Field marketing organization grow your business your partner of choice for agents , brokers, agents, insurance carriers, marketing, contracting, commission’s, education, analytics, technology

LeClair is Your Field Partnership Organization

There are so many descriptions in the insurance world that try to describe what we do. Many people describe us as a Field Marketing Organization, or FMO. A good definition of an FMO is it is a company that connects insurance agents to insurance carriers ...
Agent portal insurance agents training tools FMO brokers carrier insurance

The Agent Portal Has What You Need

We know many of you are familiar with our Agent Portal, but we’ve been adding content, and this is a good time to provide a refresher on the capabilities of this fantastic resource. The information in the Agent Portal is a great way to get the ...
CEO panel healthcare conference Healthapalooza top insurance providers Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota UnitedHealthcare Medica UCare agent agent-focused health and life insurance conference broker insurance broker

CEO Panel Returns to Healthapalooza

One of the highlights of Healthapalooza each year is the CEO panel. It’s an amazing chance to get information directly from the leaders of some of our most important carriers. These are the people who head top organizations and have their fingers on the pulse ...

Registration for HAP Continues

By now, you hopefully know that Healthapalooza is the largest health and life insurance conference in the Midwest. It’s two days of agents and brokers coming together to get the information they need to successfully promote and sell insurance solutions. Our goal, of course, is to ...

We’re Giving You Something to Talk About

When it comes to a keynote speaker at a conference, you want someone who can inspire, motivate and entertain. At HAP 11, we’re welcoming best-selling author, Ross Bernstein, to the stage. Ross has keynoted conferences for Fortune 500 companies on all seven continents and has been ...

2 Days Only


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Only $149 for a 2 day ticket (Retail $199)