
LeClair is Your Field Partnership Organization

There are so many descriptions in the insurance world that try to describe what we do. Many people describe us as a Field Marketing Organization, or FMO. A good definition of an FMO is it is a company that connects insurance agents to insurance carriers and assists those agencies and agents in building their business in the local communities that they work in. These services can range from marketing, contracting, commission’s, education, analytics, and technology.

LeClair could be, and sometimes is, defined as an FMO. We’re here to connect you to all the numerous insurance carriers we work with so you can find the best solutions for your clients. We offer the tools you need to help your communities and build your business. But we like to think of ourselves as a little different than most FMOs.

Dedicated to Partnerships

We’re dedicated to developing partnerships with both agents and with carriers. Our vision is “to be your partner of choice for agents who serve their communities in the health and life insurance space.” We partner with agents to help build a successful practice. As Tom Esselman, LeClair President, stated, “Partnership and Stewardship is our strength. I think of us not as an FMO, but really an FPO – a Field Partnership Organization. With the bonds we’ve established with agents, agencies, and carriers, that title really defines us.”

Likewise, we’ve built incredible partnerships with numerous carriers – from leaders in the health insurance field to experts in annuities and life insurance and more. We work with over 50 carrier partners and have strived to develop outstanding relationships with each of them.

Grow Your Business

In today’s world, if you want to grow your business and help people in the communities you serve, you need tools and resources. With our Agent Portal, Healthapalooza, other  training opportunities, and our dedicated staff, turn to us to get what you need to be successful.

Most importantly, though, you want a partner that can answer any questions you have and work with you to solve any issues that come up.

LeClair is an FMO dedicated to help health insurance agents grow their business by developing partnerships with agents, agencies & carriers.

For more information on how LeClair works to be your Field Partnership Organization, contact us today at sales@leglairgroup.com or give us a call at 651.739.2010.

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