
We’re Giving You Something to Talk About

When it comes to a keynote speaker at a conference, you want someone who can inspire, motivate and entertain.

At HAP 11, we’re welcoming best-selling author, Ross Bernstein, to the stage. Ross has keynoted conferences for Fortune 500 companies on all seven continents and has been featured on CNN, ESPN, Fox News, and “CBS This Morning,” as well as in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today.

With strong ties to the world of sports, Ross’ program is about the DNA of what makes champions in sports so unique and how that relates to business. He’s interviewed more than 1,000 professional athletes from championship teams. The same metrics and characteristics that are common in these champions are also common among peak performers in business.

Ross weaves sports stories, about the DNA of champions, along with stories of companies who he has worked with around the world — and shares best practice ideas on ways to overcome disruption, while ultimately building stronger relationships. At the core of his message is the simple fact that we like to do business with people who we trust, who we like, and who just “get it.”

In an engaging, provocative, and visually entertaining style, Ross will use inspirational stories and poignant life lessons from the world of sports to show you how to:

  • Create a “culture of excellence” by giving extraordinary customer service…
  • Generate momentum by utilizing the “currency of karma”…
  • Follow their moral compasses to win “the right way,” with respect, ethics, and integrity…
  • Be better leaders and create more “buy-in” by embracing change and failure…
  • Evolve from “order takers” to “trusted partners” by building quality relationships…

Register now for Healthapalooza to hear Ross Bernstein’s amazing message!

To read the full Agent Newsletter, click here…


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