
Free In-person Event

First Dollar Workshop

In-person workshop, that will provide a comprehensive understanding of first dollar coverage solutions and their benefits across all product areas, including individual, Group, and Medicare.

Learn how to build smarter benefit packages from carriers with First Dollar plans.

  April 24, 2025.             Courtyard St. Paul Woodbury


Join us for an insightful workshop on First Dollar coverage solutions and their benefits.

April 24 

9:00 am

Courtyard St. Paul

8:30 am

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 am

LeClair Introduction & First Dollar Overview

9:30 am

LifeSecure Protection

Amy Perdew-Smith

10:00 am


10:15 am

Flex Benefits Presentation

Speaker From Flex Benefits

10:45 am

Ameritas Dental/Vision Presentation

Speakers from Ameritas

11:00 am

Travel Insurance Presentation

11:15 am

Questions & Wrap Up

First Things First – The Value of First Dollar

Never has the value of the dollar been more important than today!
Yes, now is time to teach your clients the value of the dollar…and the value of First Dollar Coverage. There are many situations when First Dollar Coverage can be the best solution for your clients. LeClair is here to help you get the word out and provide you with the tools you need to educate your clients on the First Dollar “Advantage.”

What is First Dollar Coverage?

First Dollar coverage is a supplemental insurance policy in which the insurer covers costs beginning with the first dollar claimed. Generally, First Dollar Insurance is used as a supplemental plan with existing plans. For example, if a client has a high deductible plan, adding a First Dollar supplemental plan to cover expenses before the primary health insurance kicks in may be a route to explore. Often, these come in the form of a hospital indemnity, accident or critical illness plan.  With this coverage, there is no deductible or copay and it covers a specified value that aligns with the major medical deductible. 

First Dollar Workshop

April 24 | 9:00 AM CDT
Courtyard St Paul Woodbury
185 Radio Drive, Woodbury, MN, 55125

First Dollar Products


Insurance that pays for injury or death resulting from an accident.

Hospital Indemnity (U65 version from LifeSecure)

Insurance for hospital costs for individuals under 65, provided by LifeSecure.


Cancer insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial assistance to individuals diagnosed with cancer.

Heart Attack Stroke

Plans that help pay the costs related to heart attacks, strokes and the effects of these events such as damage to the heart and brain cell death due to lack of blood flow.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance helps pay for dental check-ups, treatments, and procedures. The amount of coverage and cost of insurance can vary.

Travel Medical

Travel medical insurance covers medical expenses while abroad, including hospital visits, prescriptions, dental care, and accidental death.

From These Carriers.


2 Days Only


$50 OFF

Only $149 for a 2 day ticket (Retail $199)